
12 posts

Fukami-kun 30

Fukami-kun 30

Read it on MangaDex. I'm both glad and sad to be finishing this series off. It means more time for other projects, but of course it really feels like this series is over

Fukami-kun 29

Fukami-kun 29

Read it on MangaDex. Akio-chan suddenly fails to show up at school! Whatever will happen next? The conclusion. The conclusion is what's going to happen next.

Fukami-kun 27

Fukami-kun 27

Read it on MangaDex. I really will finish the series out before the end of the month guys, seriously.

Fukami-kun 25

Fukami-kun 25

Read it on MangaDex. A surprisingly fun chapter! Wahaha! Let's see how many I can get out before Genshin Impact's 1.1 update. I kind of want Childe to be a banner before

Fukami-kun 24

Fukami-kun 24

Read it on MangaDex. What will this new character bring to the table? We'll find out soon! On a totally unrelated note, q in romanized Chinese is pronounced similarly to "ch" and not

Fukami-kun 23

Fukami-kun 23

Read it on MangaDex. Quite an enjoyable chapter, I think! Genshin Impact has really impressed me with its polish. It's interesting to see how Mihoyo has been further refining the systems that they